Be the best father you can be.
From the day your daughter entered the world, you probably thought, “I’m not ready.” The truth of the matter is, you are. You have what it takes in order to ensure that your daughter is successful from that first day of Pre-K to the first day of high school, to her first paycheck, promotion, boyfriend, I know…ok, we shouldn’t have mentioned it. The the list goes on. Your daughter is going to be ready, because she has an amazing father by her side who will walk her through life. It feels daunting, but get excited about this adventure. There is no manual written for parenting. However, there are just a few tips that you can do for yourself, in order to show up day in and day out for your daughter. Dad, you’ve got this!
Here are a few tips:
Determine the type of dad you want to be, then spend every day working towards being it.
Let the past stay in the past. Focus on the present, and don’t let what’s behind you get in the way.
You have everything inside of you to be the best. Dig deep and pull out the patience and kindness that is in your heart.
Choose to be happy. It is a choice.